Pure Programmer
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Project: Football Passer Rating (NFL and NCAA)

The passer rating formula provides one metric that can be used to compare the performance of quarterbacks. It is based on the number of completions, touchdown passes, interceptions and total passing yards. Write a program that prompts for the number of completed passes, touchdown passes, interceptions, total passing yards and the total number of attempted passes. The program should then prompt the user to display the NFL or NCAA passer rating. Print the rating to one decimal place.

See [[Passer Rating]] for the NFL and NCAA formulas.

See FootballPasserRating2

$ swiftc FootballPasserRating2.swift -I . -L . -lUtils $ ./FootballPasserRating2 Number of attempts: 497 Number of completions: 340 Number of touchdown passes: 33 Number of interceptions: 5 Number of passing yards: 4208 1 for NFL or 2 for NCAA: 1 NFL Passer rating: 112.3 $ swiftc FootballPasserRating2.swift -I . -L . -lUtils $ ./FootballPasserRating2 Number of attempts: 355 Number of completions: 245 Number of touchdown passes: 43 Number of interceptions: 6 Number of passing yards: 3966 1 for NFL or 2 for NCAA: 2 NCAA Passer rating: 199.4
