Pure Programmer
Blue Matrix

Cluster Map

Project: Quadratic Roots

Quadratic equations of the form Ax2 + Bx + C = 0 have two possible solutions given by the [[Quadratic Formula]]. Write a program that sets the constants A = 2, B = 4 and C = 1 then prints the two possible solutions. Then change the constants A, B and C to get solutions to other quadratic equations. Is it possible that this program could fail?

$ rustc QuadraticRoots.rs error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> QuadraticRoots.rs:13:39 | 13 | let mut discriminant:f64 = B * B - 4.f64 * A * C; | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 13 | let mut discriminant:f64 = B * B - 4.0f64 * A * C; | + error[E0425]: cannot find function `sqrt` in this scope --> QuadraticRoots.rs:14:17 | 14 | discriminant = sqrt(discriminant); | ^^^^ not found in this scope | help: use the `.` operator to call the method `sqrt` on `f64` | 14 - discriminant = sqrt(discriminant); 14 + discriminant = discriminant.sqrt(); | error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> QuadraticRoots.rs:15:47 | 15 | let mut root1:f64 = (-B + discriminant) / (2.f64 * A); | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 15 | let mut root1:f64 = (-B + discriminant) / (2.0f64 * A); | + error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> QuadraticRoots.rs:16:47 | 16 | let mut root2:f64 = (-B - discriminant) / (2.f64 * A); | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 16 | let mut root2:f64 = (-B - discriminant) / (2.0f64 * A); | + error: aborting due to 4 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0425, E0610. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0425`.
