Pure Programmer
Blue Matrix

Cluster Map

Project: Physical Constants

Write a program that defines and prints the values for the following physical constants:

  • Speed of light in vacuum (c)
  • Planck constant (h)
  • Newton's gravitation constant (G)
  • Elementary charge (e)
  • Avogadro constant (L)
  • Boltzmann constant (k)

Use named constants for all values.

See: [[List of physical constants]]

$ rustc PhysicalConstants.rs error[E0308]: mismatched types --> PhysicalConstants.rs:7:22 | 7 | static C_M_PER:f64 = 299792458; | ^^^^^^^^^ | | | expected `f64`, found integer | help: use a float literal: `299792458.0` error: aborting due to previous error For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.
