Pure Programmer
Blue Matrix

Cluster Map

Project: Number of Primes (Estimate)

The number of primes equal to or less than a number x is denoted by the function `π(x)`. There is no easy way to compute this function although there are ways to estimate it. Write a function `π(x)` that uses the estimate formula `x/(ln x - 1)`. Assert that values of x must be greater to or equal to 100. Write a test program to print the estimated values of `π(x)` for x that are powers of 10 from `10^2` up to `10^9`. How does this approach compare to the actual value of `π(x)`?

See [[How Many Primes Are There?]]

$ rustc NumberOfPrimesEstimate.rs error: unknown format trait `d` --> NumberOfPrimesEstimate.rs:21:33 | 21 | println!("{}", format!("π({0:d}) = {1:d}", x, π(x))); | ^ | = note: the only appropriate formatting traits are: - ``, which uses the `Display` trait - `?`, which uses the `Debug` trait - `e`, which uses the `LowerExp` trait - `E`, which uses the `UpperExp` trait - `o`, which uses the `Octal` trait - `p`, which uses the `Pointer` trait - `b`, which uses the `Binary` trait - `x`, which uses the `LowerHex` trait - `X`, which uses the `UpperHex` trait error: unknown format trait `d` --> NumberOfPrimesEstimate.rs:21:42 | 21 | println!("{}", format!("π({0:d}) = {1:d}", x, π(x))); | ^ | = note: the only appropriate formatting traits are: - ``, which uses the `Display` trait - `?`, which uses the `Debug` trait - `e`, which uses the `LowerExp` trait - `E`, which uses the `UpperExp` trait - `o`, which uses the `Octal` trait - `p`, which uses the `Pointer` trait - `b`, which uses the `Binary` trait - `x`, which uses the `LowerHex` trait - `X`, which uses the `UpperHex` trait warning: the usage of Script Group `Greek` in this crate consists solely of mixed script confusables --> NumberOfPrimesEstimate.rs:10:4 | 10 | fn π(x:isize) -> i64 { | ^ | = note: the usage includes 'π' (U+03C0) = note: please recheck to make sure their usages are indeed what you want = note: `#[warn(mixed_script_confusables)]` on by default error[E0277]: the trait bound `f64: From<isize>` is not satisfied --> NumberOfPrimesEstimate.rs:12:26 | 12 | return (round(f64::from(x) / (log((x) as f64) - 1.0f64))) as i64; | --------- ^ the trait `From<isize>` is not implemented for `f64` | | | required by a bound introduced by this call | = help: the following other types implement trait `From<T>`: <f64 as From<bool>> <f64 as From<f32>> <f64 as From<i16>> <f64 as From<i32>> <f64 as From<i8>> <f64 as From<u16>> <f64 as From<u32>> <f64 as From<u8>> error[E0061]: this function takes 1 argument but 0 arguments were supplied --> NumberOfPrimesEstimate.rs:12:32 | 12 | return (round(f64::from(x) / (log((x) as f64) - 1.0f64))) as i64; | ^^^ an argument of type `f64` is missing | note: method defined here --> /opt/local/libexec/rust/src/rustc-1.71.1-src/library/std/src/f64.rs:482:12 help: provide the argument | 12 | return (round(f64::from(x) / (log(/* f64 */)((x) as f64) - 1.0f64))) as i64; | +++++++++++ error[E0425]: cannot find function `log` in this scope --> NumberOfPrimesEstimate.rs:12:32 | 12 | return (round(f64::from(x) / (log((x) as f64) - 1.0f64))) as i64; | ^^^ not found in this scope | help: use the `.` operator to call the method `log` on `f64` | 12 | return (round(f64::from(x) / (((x) as f64).log() - 1.0f64))) as i64; | ~ ~~~~~~~ error[E0425]: cannot find function `round` in this scope --> NumberOfPrimesEstimate.rs:12:10 | 12 | return (round(f64::from(x) / (log((x) as f64) - 1.0f64))) as i64; | ^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: use the `.` operator to call the method `round` on `f64` | 12 | return ((f64::from(x) / (log((x) as f64) - 1.0f64)).round() as i64; | ~ ~~~~~~~~~ error: aborting due to 6 previous errors; 1 warning emitted Some errors have detailed explanations: E0061, E0277, E0425. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0061`.
