Pure Programmer
Blue Matrix

Cluster Map

Project: Complex Number Class

[[Complex_number|Complex numbers]] is a number that can be expressed in the form `a + bi` where `a` and `b` are real numbers and `i` represents the imaginary quantity `sqrt(-1)`. Define a complex number class that can perform multiplication, division, reciprocal, addition, subtraction, absolute value (magnitude), argument (phase), square root, exponential, and natural logarithm functions.

$ rustc ComplexNumberClass.rs error: expected one of `)`, `,`, `.`, `?`, or an operator, found `1` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:56:32 | 56 | i *= ((self.imaginary > 0) ? 1 : ((self.imaginary < 0) ? -1 : 0)); | -^ expected one of `)`, `,`, `.`, `?`, or an operator | | | help: missing `,` error: expected one of `)`, `,`, `.`, `?`, or an operator, found `:` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:56:34 | 56 | i *= ((self.imaginary > 0) ? 1 : ((self.imaginary < 0) ? -1 : 0)); | ^ expected one of `)`, `,`, `.`, `?`, or an operator error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:20:3 | 19 | fn new(r:f64, i:f64) -> Complex { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 20 | self.real = r; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 19 | fn new(&self, r:f64, i:f64) -> Complex { | ++++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:21:3 | 19 | fn new(r:f64, i:f64) -> Complex { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 20 | self.real = r; 21 | self.imaginary = i; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 19 | fn new(&self, r:f64, i:f64) -> Complex { | ++++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:24:23 | 23 | fn add(x:Complex) -> Complex { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 24 | return Complex::new(self.real + x.real, self.imaginary + x.imaginary); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 23 | fn add(&self, x:Complex) -> Complex { | ++++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:24:43 | 23 | fn add(x:Complex) -> Complex { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 24 | return Complex::new(self.real + x.real, self.imaginary + x.imaginary); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 23 | fn add(&self, x:Complex) -> Complex { | ++++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:27:23 | 26 | fn sub(x:Complex) -> Complex { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 27 | return Complex::new(self.real - x.real, self.imaginary - x.imaginary); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 26 | fn sub(&self, x:Complex) -> Complex { | ++++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:27:43 | 26 | fn sub(x:Complex) -> Complex { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 27 | return Complex::new(self.real - x.real, self.imaginary - x.imaginary); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 26 | fn sub(&self, x:Complex) -> Complex { | ++++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:30:23 | 29 | fn mul(x:Complex) -> Complex { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 30 | return Complex::new(self.real * x.real - self.imaginary * x.imaginary, self.real * x.imaginary + self.imaginary * x.real); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 29 | fn mul(&self, x:Complex) -> Complex { | ++++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:30:44 | 29 | fn mul(x:Complex) -> Complex { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 30 | return Complex::new(self.real * x.real - self.imaginary * x.imaginary, self.real * x.imaginary + self.imaginary * x.real); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 29 | fn mul(&self, x:Complex) -> Complex { | ++++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:30:74 | 29 | fn mul(x:Complex) -> Complex { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 30 | return Complex::new(self.real * x.real - self.imaginary * x.imaginary, self.real * x.imaginary + self.imaginary * x.real); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 29 | fn mul(&self, x:Complex) -> Complex { | ++++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:30:100 | 29 | fn mul(x:Complex) -> Complex { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 30 | return Complex::new(self.real * x.real - self.imaginary * x.imaginary, self.real * x.imaginary + self.imaginary * x.real); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 29 | fn mul(&self, x:Complex) -> Complex { | ++++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:33:24 | 32 | fn recip() -> Complex { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 33 | let magSquared:f64 = self.real * self.real + self.imaginary * self.imaginary; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 32 | fn recip(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:33:36 | 32 | fn recip() -> Complex { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 33 | let magSquared:f64 = self.real * self.real + self.imaginary * self.imaginary; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 32 | fn recip(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:33:48 | 32 | fn recip() -> Complex { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 33 | let magSquared:f64 = self.real * self.real + self.imaginary * self.imaginary; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 32 | fn recip(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:33:65 | 32 | fn recip() -> Complex { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 33 | let magSquared:f64 = self.real * self.real + self.imaginary * self.imaginary; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 32 | fn recip(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:35:23 | 32 | fn recip() -> Complex { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 35 | return Complex::new(self.real / magSquared, -self.imaginary / magSquared); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 32 | fn recip(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:35:48 | 32 | fn recip() -> Complex { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 35 | return Complex::new(self.real / magSquared, -self.imaginary / magSquared); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 32 | fn recip(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:38:10 | 37 | fn div(x:Complex) -> Complex { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 38 | return self.mul(x.recip()); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 37 | fn div(&self, x:Complex) -> Complex { | ++++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:41:24 | 40 | fn abs() -> f64 { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 41 | let magSquared:f64 = self.real * self.real + self.imaginary * self.imaginary; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 40 | fn abs(&self) -> f64 { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:41:36 | 40 | fn abs() -> f64 { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 41 | let magSquared:f64 = self.real * self.real + self.imaginary * self.imaginary; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 40 | fn abs(&self) -> f64 { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:41:48 | 40 | fn abs() -> f64 { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 41 | let magSquared:f64 = self.real * self.real + self.imaginary * self.imaginary; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 40 | fn abs(&self) -> f64 { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:41:65 | 40 | fn abs() -> f64 { | --- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 41 | let magSquared:f64 = self.real * self.real + self.imaginary * self.imaginary; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 40 | fn abs(&self) -> f64 { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:45:11 | 44 | fn phase() -> f64 { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 45 | assert!(self.real != 0.f64 || self.imaginary != 0.f64, "Can't compute phase of 0+0i"); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 44 | fn phase(&self) -> f64 { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:45:33 | 44 | fn phase() -> f64 { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 45 | assert!(self.real != 0.f64 || self.imaginary != 0.f64, "Can't compute phase of 0+0i"); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 44 | fn phase(&self) -> f64 { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:46:23 | 44 | fn phase() -> f64 { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 45 | assert!(self.real != 0.f64 || self.imaginary != 0.f64, "Can't compute phase of 0+0i"); 46 | let magnitude:f64 = self.abs(); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 44 | fn phase(&self) -> f64 { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:47:6 | 44 | fn phase() -> f64 { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 47 | if self.real < 0.f64 && self.imaginary == 0.f64 { | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 44 | fn phase(&self) -> f64 { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:47:27 | 44 | fn phase() -> f64 { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 47 | if self.real < 0.f64 && self.imaginary == 0.f64 { | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 44 | fn phase(&self) -> f64 { | +++++ error[E0425]: cannot find value `PI` in this scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:48:11 | 48 | return PI; | ^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 8 + use consts::PI; | 8 + use std::f32::consts::PI; | error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:50:23 | 44 | fn phase() -> f64 { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 50 | return 2.f64 * atan(self.imaginary / (magnitude + self.real)); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 44 | fn phase(&self) -> f64 { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:50:53 | 44 | fn phase() -> f64 { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 50 | return 2.f64 * atan(self.imaginary / (magnitude + self.real)); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 44 | fn phase(&self) -> f64 { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:53:17 | 52 | fn csqrt() -> Complex { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 53 | let mag:f64 = self.abs(); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 52 | fn csqrt(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:54:21 | 52 | fn csqrt() -> Complex { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 53 | let mag:f64 = self.abs(); 54 | let r:f64 = sqrt((self.real + mag) / 2.f64); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 52 | fn csqrt(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:55:26 | 52 | fn csqrt() -> Complex { | ----- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 55 | let mut i:f64 = sqrt((-self.real + mag) / 2.f64); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 52 | fn csqrt(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:60:21 | 59 | fn cexp() -> Complex { | ---- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 60 | let mag:f64 = exp(self.real); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 59 | fn cexp(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:61:33 | 59 | fn cexp() -> Complex { | ---- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 60 | let mag:f64 = exp(self.real); 61 | return Complex::new(mag * cos(self.imaginary), mag * sin(self.imaginary)); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 59 | fn cexp(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:61:60 | 59 | fn cexp() -> Complex { | ---- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 60 | let mag:f64 = exp(self.real); 61 | return Complex::new(mag * cos(self.imaginary), mag * sin(self.imaginary)); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 59 | fn cexp(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:64:17 | 63 | fn clog() -> Complex { | ---- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 64 | let mag:f64 = self.abs(); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 63 | fn clog(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:65:33 | 63 | fn clog() -> Complex { | ---- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 64 | let mag:f64 = self.abs(); 65 | return Complex::new(log(mag), self.phase()); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 63 | fn clog(&self) -> Complex { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:68:6 | 67 | fn toString() -> String { | -------- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 68 | if self.real == 0.0f64 { | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 67 | fn toString(&self) -> String { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:69:11 | 67 | fn toString() -> String { | -------- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter 68 | if self.real == 0.0f64 { 69 | return self.imaginary.to_string() + "i"; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 67 | fn toString(&self) -> String { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:70:13 | 67 | fn toString() -> String { | -------- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 70 | } else if self.imaginary == 0.0f64 { | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 67 | fn toString(&self) -> String { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:71:11 | 67 | fn toString() -> String { | -------- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 71 | return self.real.to_string(); | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 67 | fn toString(&self) -> String { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:72:13 | 67 | fn toString() -> String { | -------- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 72 | } else if self.imaginary < 0 { | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 67 | fn toString(&self) -> String { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:73:11 | 67 | fn toString() -> String { | -------- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 73 | return self.real.to_string() + &self.imaginary.to_string() + "i"; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 67 | fn toString(&self) -> String { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:73:36 | 67 | fn toString() -> String { | -------- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 73 | return self.real.to_string() + &self.imaginary.to_string() + "i"; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 67 | fn toString(&self) -> String { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:75:11 | 67 | fn toString() -> String { | -------- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 75 | return self.real.to_string() + "+" + &self.imaginary.to_string() + "i"; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 67 | fn toString(&self) -> String { | +++++ error[E0424]: expected value, found module `self` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:75:42 | 67 | fn toString() -> String { | -------- this function doesn't have a `self` parameter ... 75 | return self.real.to_string() + "+" + &self.imaginary.to_string() + "i"; | ^^^^ `self` value is a keyword only available in methods with a `self` parameter | help: add a `self` receiver parameter to make the associated `fn` a method | 67 | fn toString(&self) -> String { | +++++ warning: unused import: `std::f64::consts` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:8:5 | 8 | use std::f64::consts; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default error[E0308]: mismatched types --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:19:26 | 19 | fn new(r:f64, i:f64) -> Complex { | --- ^^^^^^^ expected `Complex`, found `()` | | | implicitly returns `()` as its body has no tail or `return` expression error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:34:27 | 34 | assert!(magSquared != 0.f64, "Can't compute reciprocal of 0+0i"); | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 34 | assert!(magSquared != 0.0f64, "Can't compute reciprocal of 0+0i"); | + error[E0599]: no method named `recip` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:38:21 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `recip` not found for this struct ... 38 | return self.mul(x.recip()); | ^^^^^ this is an associated function, not a method | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:32:2 | 32 | fn recip() -> Complex { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use associated function syntax instead | 38 | return self.mul(Complex::recip()); | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ help: some of the expressions' fields have a method of the same name | 38 | return self.mul(x.imaginary.recip()); | ++++++++++ 38 | return self.mul(x.real.recip()); | +++++ error[E0425]: cannot find function `sqrt` in this scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:42:10 | 42 | return sqrt(magSquared); | ^^^^ not found in this scope error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:45:26 | 45 | assert!(self.real != 0.f64 || self.imaginary != 0.f64, "Can't compute phase of 0+0i"); | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 45 | assert!(self.real != 0.0f64 || self.imaginary != 0.f64, "Can't compute phase of 0+0i"); | + error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:45:53 | 45 | assert!(self.real != 0.f64 || self.imaginary != 0.f64, "Can't compute phase of 0+0i"); | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 45 | assert!(self.real != 0.f64 || self.imaginary != 0.0f64, "Can't compute phase of 0+0i"); | + error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:47:20 | 47 | if self.real < 0.f64 && self.imaginary == 0.f64 { | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 47 | if self.real < 0.0f64 && self.imaginary == 0.f64 { | + error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:47:47 | 47 | if self.real < 0.f64 && self.imaginary == 0.f64 { | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 47 | if self.real < 0.f64 && self.imaginary == 0.0f64 { | + error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:50:12 | 50 | return 2.f64 * atan(self.imaginary / (magnitude + self.real)); | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 50 | return 2.0f64 * atan(self.imaginary / (magnitude + self.real)); | + error[E0425]: cannot find function `atan` in this scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:50:18 | 50 | return 2.f64 * atan(self.imaginary / (magnitude + self.real)); | ^^^^ not found in this scope error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:54:42 | 54 | let r:f64 = sqrt((self.real + mag) / 2.f64); | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 54 | let r:f64 = sqrt((self.real + mag) / 2.0f64); | + error[E0425]: cannot find function `sqrt` in this scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:54:15 | 54 | let r:f64 = sqrt((self.real + mag) / 2.f64); | ^^^^ not found in this scope error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:55:47 | 55 | let mut i:f64 = sqrt((-self.real + mag) / 2.f64); | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 55 | let mut i:f64 = sqrt((-self.real + mag) / 2.0f64); | + error[E0425]: cannot find function `sqrt` in this scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:55:19 | 55 | let mut i:f64 = sqrt((-self.real + mag) / 2.f64); | ^^^^ not found in this scope error[E0425]: cannot find function `exp` in this scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:60:17 | 60 | let mag:f64 = exp(self.real); | ^^^ not found in this scope error[E0425]: cannot find function `cos` in this scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:61:29 | 61 | return Complex::new(mag * cos(self.imaginary), mag * sin(self.imaginary)); | ^^^ not found in this scope error[E0425]: cannot find function `sin` in this scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:61:56 | 61 | return Complex::new(mag * cos(self.imaginary), mag * sin(self.imaginary)); | ^^^ not found in this scope error[E0425]: cannot find function `log` in this scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:65:23 | 65 | return Complex::new(log(mag), self.phase()); | ^^^ not found in this scope error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:81:37 | 81 | let mut a:Complex = Complex::new(1.f64, 1.f64); | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 81 | let mut a:Complex = Complex::new(1.0f64, 1.f64); | + error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:81:44 | 81 | let mut a:Complex = Complex::new(1.f64, 1.f64); | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 81 | let mut a:Complex = Complex::new(1.f64, 1.0f64); | + error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:82:37 | 82 | let mut b:Complex = Complex::new(3.f64, 4.f64); | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 82 | let mut b:Complex = Complex::new(3.0f64, 4.f64); | + error[E0610]: `{integer}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:82:44 | 82 | let mut b:Complex = Complex::new(3.f64, 4.f64); | ^^^ | help: if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period | 82 | let mut b:Complex = Complex::new(3.f64, 4.0f64); | + error[E0599]: no method named `toString` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:83:22 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `toString` not found for this struct ... 83 | println!("a: {}", a.toString()); | --^^^^^^^^-- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::toString()` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:67:2 | 67 | fn toString() -> String { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0599]: no method named `toString` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:84:22 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `toString` not found for this struct ... 84 | println!("b: {}", b.toString()); | --^^^^^^^^-- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::toString()` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:67:2 | 67 | fn toString() -> String { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0599]: no method named `add` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:85:26 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `add` not found for this struct ... 85 | println!("a + b: {}", a.add(b).toString()); | --^^^--- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::add(b)` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:23:2 | 23 | fn add(x:Complex) -> Complex { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is implemented and in scope = note: the following trait defines an item `add`, perhaps you need to implement it: candidate #1: `Add` error[E0599]: no method named `sub` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:86:26 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `sub` not found for this struct ... 86 | println!("a - b: {}", a.sub(b).toString()); | --^^^--- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::sub(b)` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:26:2 | 26 | fn sub(x:Complex) -> Complex { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is implemented and in scope = note: the following trait defines an item `sub`, perhaps you need to implement it: candidate #1: `Sub` error[E0599]: no method named `mul` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:87:26 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `mul` not found for this struct ... 87 | println!("a * b: {}", a.mul(b).toString()); | --^^^--- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::mul(b)` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:29:2 | 29 | fn mul(x:Complex) -> Complex { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is implemented and in scope = note: the following trait defines an item `mul`, perhaps you need to implement it: candidate #1: `Mul` error[E0599]: no method named `recip` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:88:26 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `recip` not found for this struct ... 88 | println!("1 / a: {}", a.recip().toString()); | ^^^^^ this is an associated function, not a method | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:32:2 | 32 | fn recip() -> Complex { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use associated function syntax instead | 88 | println!("1 / a: {}", Complex::recip().toString()); | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ help: some of the expressions' fields have a method of the same name | 88 | println!("1 / a: {}", a.imaginary.recip().toString()); | ++++++++++ 88 | println!("1 / a: {}", a.real.recip().toString()); | +++++ error[E0599]: no method named `recip` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:89:26 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `recip` not found for this struct ... 89 | println!("1 / b: {}", b.recip().toString()); | ^^^^^ this is an associated function, not a method | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:32:2 | 32 | fn recip() -> Complex { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use associated function syntax instead | 89 | println!("1 / b: {}", Complex::recip().toString()); | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ help: some of the expressions' fields have a method of the same name | 89 | println!("1 / b: {}", b.imaginary.recip().toString()); | ++++++++++ 89 | println!("1 / b: {}", b.real.recip().toString()); | +++++ error[E0599]: no method named `div` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:90:26 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `div` not found for this struct ... 90 | println!("a / b: {}", a.div(b).toString()); | --^^^--- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::div(b)` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:37:2 | 37 | fn div(x:Complex) -> Complex { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is implemented and in scope = note: the following trait defines an item `div`, perhaps you need to implement it: candidate #1: `Div` error[E0599]: no method named `abs` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:91:24 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `abs` not found for this struct ... 91 | println!("|a|: {}", a.abs()); | ^^^ this is an associated function, not a method | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:40:2 | 40 | fn abs() -> f64 { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use associated function syntax instead | 91 | println!("|a|: {}", Complex::abs()); | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ help: some of the expressions' fields have a method of the same name | 91 | println!("|a|: {}", a.imaginary.abs()); | ++++++++++ 91 | println!("|a|: {}", a.real.abs()); | +++++ error[E0599]: no method named `abs` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:92:24 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `abs` not found for this struct ... 92 | println!("|b|: {}", b.abs()); | ^^^ this is an associated function, not a method | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:40:2 | 40 | fn abs() -> f64 { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use associated function syntax instead | 92 | println!("|b|: {}", Complex::abs()); | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ help: some of the expressions' fields have a method of the same name | 92 | println!("|b|: {}", b.imaginary.abs()); | ++++++++++ 92 | println!("|b|: {}", b.real.abs()); | +++++ error[E0599]: no method named `phase` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:93:25 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `phase` not found for this struct ... 93 | println!("φ(a): {}", a.phase()); | --^^^^^-- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::phase()` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:44:2 | 44 | fn phase() -> f64 { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0599]: no method named `phase` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:94:25 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `phase` not found for this struct ... 94 | println!("φ(b): {}", b.phase()); | --^^^^^-- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::phase()` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:44:2 | 44 | fn phase() -> f64 { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0599]: no method named `csqrt` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:95:28 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `csqrt` not found for this struct ... 95 | println!("sqrt(a): {}", a.csqrt().toString()); | --^^^^^-- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::csqrt()` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:52:2 | 52 | fn csqrt() -> Complex { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0599]: no method named `csqrt` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:96:28 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `csqrt` not found for this struct ... 96 | println!("sqrt(b): {}", b.csqrt().toString()); | --^^^^^-- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::csqrt()` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:52:2 | 52 | fn csqrt() -> Complex { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0599]: no method named `cexp` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:97:27 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `cexp` not found for this struct ... 97 | println!("exp(a): {}", a.cexp().toString()); | --^^^^-- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::cexp()` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:59:2 | 59 | fn cexp() -> Complex { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0599]: no method named `cexp` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:98:27 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `cexp` not found for this struct ... 98 | println!("exp(b): {}", b.cexp().toString()); | --^^^^-- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::cexp()` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:59:2 | 59 | fn cexp() -> Complex { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0599]: no method named `clog` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:99:26 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `clog` not found for this struct ... 99 | println!("ln(a): {}", a.clog().toString()); | --^^^^-- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::clog()` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:63:2 | 63 | fn clog() -> Complex { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0599]: no method named `clog` found for struct `Complex` in the current scope --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:100:26 | 10 | struct Complex { | -------------- method `clog` not found for this struct ... 100 | println!("ln(b): {}", b.clog().toString()); | --^^^^-- | | | | | this is an associated function, not a method | help: use associated function syntax instead: `Complex::clog()` | = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter note: the candidate is defined in an impl for the type `Complex` --> ComplexNumberClass.rs:63:2 | 63 | fn clog() -> Complex { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: aborting due to 88 previous errors; 1 warning emitted Some errors have detailed explanations: E0308, E0424, E0425, E0599, E0610. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.
