Pure Programmer
Blue Matrix

Cluster Map

Project: Random Bytes

Write a program to generate a random stream of bytes. The program should accept three values on the command line: minimum byte value, maximum byte value and the number of bytes to generate. Include assertions to check that the command line min and max are in the range 0-255.

$ python3 RandomBytes.py 32 126 100 @kO-Ao>L^J^1az 6M"e;)C<S-wrHE1.z`PI;`$h>1]Gjdgq7OQbeoJaQ|0)\kLP_i=(PI&=W6O5xTi[_~!G_;e.jcd7{}q=vMp]E$ python3 RandomBytes.py 48 57 100 8066854084346562396239835583654557544107409903314462651606038858601081125129846910140901009315249332
