Pure Programmer
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Console Input


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#!/usr/bin/env python3;
# This program demonstrates how to prompt the user for input.
# Copyright © 2020 Richard Lesh.  All rights reserved.

import Utils

# Begin Main
name = Utils.prompt("What is your name? ")
favoriteColor = Utils.prompt("What is your favorite color? ")
print("Hello, {0:s}!  I like {1:s} too!".format(name, favoriteColor))

$ python ConsoleInput1.py < ../../examples/ConsoleInput1.in What is your name? Rich What is your favorite color? blue Hello, Rich! I like blue too!
#!/usr/bin/env python3;
# This program demonstrates how to prompt the user for input.
# Copyright © 2020 Richard Lesh.  All rights reserved.

import Utils

# Begin Main
try :
	favoriteIntInput = Utils.prompt("What is your favorite small integer? ")
	favoriteInt = int(favoriteIntInput)
	favoriteLongInput = Utils.prompt("What is your favorite large integer? ")
	favoriteLong = int(favoriteLongInput)
	favoriteDoubleInput = Utils.prompt("What is your favorite floating point? ")
	favoriteDouble = float(favoriteDoubleInput)
	sum = favoriteInt + favoriteLong + favoriteDouble
	print("All together they add up to {0:f}!".format(sum))
except ValueError as ex :
	print("Bad input! " + str(ex))
except Exception as ex :
	print("Don't know what went wrong!")

$ python ConsoleInput2.py < ../../examples/ConsoleInput2.in1 What is your favorite small integer? 326 What is your favorite large integer? 1000000 What is your favorite floating point? 3.141926 All together they add up to 1000329.141593! This always prints! $ python ConsoleInput2.py < ../../examples/ConsoleInput2.in2 What is your favorite small integer? 326 What is your favorite large integer? abc What is your favorite floating point? 3.141926 Bad input! This always prints! $ python ConsoleInput2.py < ../../examples/ConsoleInput2.in3 What is your favorite small integer? 326 What is your favorite large integer? 1000000 What is your favorite floating point? abc Bad input! This always prints!



More ★'s indicate higher difficulty level.
