Pure Programmer
Blue Matrix

Cluster Map

Math Library

While the arithmetic and logic operators represent the basic operations that our [[CPU]] can perform, there are many other common math functions that com in handy. Since they are so common, programming languages usually have a math library that provides these functions. Logarithms, trigonometry and random number generation are just of few of the types of functions typically provided.

Math Constants

Math constants provide commonly used mathematical constanst to the highest precesion available. Some of the more useful math constants are summarized below.

Java Math Constants
Constant Description
EEuler's constant [[ℯ]], base of the natural logarithm
PI[[Pi]], Ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter

Math Functions

These most useful math functions are summarized below.

Java Math Functions
Function Description
abs(x)[[Absolute value]] of x
acos(x)[[Arc cosine]] of x, result is in the range [0,π] [[Radians]]
acosh(x)[[Arc hyperbolic cosine]] of x
asin(x)[[Arc sine]] of x, result is in the range [-π/2,π/2] [[Radians]]
asinh(x)[[Arc hyperbolic sine]] of x
atan(x)[[Arc tangent]] of x, result is in the range [-π/2,π/2] [[Radians]]
atan2(y,x)Angle θ from the conversion of [[rectangular coordinates]] (x,y),
result is in the range [-π/2,π/2] [[Radians]]
atanh(x)[[Arc hyperbolic tangent]] of x
ceil(x)Smallest integer value greater than x
cos(x)[[Cosine]] of x (in [[Radians]])
cosh(x)[[Hyperbolic cosine]] of x
exp(x)[[ℯ]] rasied to the power x, i.e. ℯx
floor(x)Largest integer less than x
log(x)[[Natural logarithm]] of x
log10(x)[[Common logarithm]] of x
max(x,y)Larger of x and y
min(x,y)Smaller of x and y
pow(x,y)x raised to the power y, i.e. xy
random()[[Pseudorandom]] number on the interval [0,1)
round(x)Nearest integer to x
sin(x)[[Sine]] of x (in [[Radians]])
sqrt(x)[[Square root]] of x
tan(x)[[Tangent]] of x (in [[Radians]])
tanh(x)[[Hyperbolic tangent]] of x

Be sure to add the following import to the top of your program in order to use these math functions and constants.
import static java.lang.Math.*;

 * This program demonstrates the math library.
 * Copyright © 2016 Richard Lesh.  All rights reserved.

import org.pureprogrammer.Utils;

public class Math1 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		final double a = Math.PI / 6;
		final double b = Math.PI / 4;
		final double c = -a * 2;
		final double d = -b * 2;
		final double e = Math.E;

		System.out.println(Utils.format("pi = {0:f}", Math.PI));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("e = {0:f}", Math.E));

// abs, floor, ceil, round, trunc, min, max
		System.out.println(Utils.format("abs({0:f}) = {1:f}", a, Math.abs(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("abs({0:f}) = {1:f}", c, Math.abs(c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("floor({0:f}) = {1:f}", a, Math.floor(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("floor({0:f}) = {1:f}", c, Math.floor(c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("ceil({0:f}) = {1:f}", a, Math.ceil(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("ceil({0:f}) = {1:f}", c, Math.ceil(c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("round({0:f}) = {1:f}", a, Math.round(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("round({0:f}) = {1:f}", c, Math.round(c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("trunc({0:f}) = {1:f}", a, a < 0.0 ? Math.ceil(a) : Math.floor(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("trunc({0:f}) = {1:f}", c, c < 0.0 ? Math.ceil(c) : Math.floor(c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("min({0:f}, {1:f}) = {2:f}", a, c, Math.min(a, c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("max({0:f}, {1:f}) = {2:f}", a, c, Math.max(a, c)));

// sin, cos, tan, atan, atan2, acos, asin
		System.out.println(Utils.format("sin({0:f}) = {1:f}", a, Math.sin(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("sin({0:f}) = {1:f}", b, Math.sin(b)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("sin({0:f}) = {1:f}", c, Math.sin(c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("sin({0:f}) = {1:f}", d, Math.sin(d)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("cos({0:f}) = {1:f}", a, Math.cos(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("cos({0:f}) = {1:f}", b, Math.cos(b)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("cos({0:f}) = {1:f}", c, Math.cos(c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("cos({0:f}) = {1:f}", d, Math.cos(d)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("tan({0:f}) = {1:f}", a, Math.tan(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("tan({0:f}) = {1:f}", b, Math.tan(b)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("tan({0:f}) = {1:f}", c, Math.tan(c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("asin({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.sin(a), Math.asin(Math.sin(a))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("asin({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.sin(b), Math.asin(Math.sin(b))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("asin({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.sin(c), Math.asin(Math.sin(c))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("asin({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.sin(d), Math.asin(Math.sin(d))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("acos({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.cos(a), Math.acos(Math.cos(a))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("acos({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.cos(b), Math.acos(Math.cos(b))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("acos({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.cos(c), Math.acos(Math.cos(c))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("acos({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.cos(d), Math.acos(Math.cos(d))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("atan({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.tan(a), Math.atan(Math.tan(a))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("atan({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.tan(b), Math.atan(Math.tan(b))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("atan({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.tan(c), Math.atan(Math.tan(c))));
// 45 degrees
		System.out.println(Utils.format("atan2({0:f}, {1:f}) = {2:f}", 1.0, 1.0, Math.atan2(1.0, 1.0)));
// 30 degrees
		System.out.println(Utils.format("atan2({0:f}, {1:f}) = {2:f}", 1.0, Math.sqrt(3.0), Math.atan2(1.0, Math.sqrt(3.0))));

// sinh, cosh, tanh, atanh, acosh, asinh
		System.out.println(Utils.format("sinh({0:f}) = {1:f}", a, Math.sinh(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("sinh({0:f}) = {1:f}", b, Math.sinh(b)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("sinh({0:f}) = {1:f}", c, Math.sinh(c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("sinh({0:f}) = {1:f}", d, Math.sinh(d)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("cosh({0:f}) = {1:f}", a, Math.cosh(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("cosh({0:f}) = {1:f}", b, Math.cosh(b)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("cosh({0:f}) = {1:f}", c, Math.cosh(c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("cosh({0:f}) = {1:f}", d, Math.cosh(d)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("tanh({0:f}) = {1:f}", a, Math.tanh(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("tanh({0:f}) = {1:f}", b, Math.tanh(b)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("tanh({0:f}) = {1:f}", c, Math.tanh(c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("tanh({0:f}) = {1:f}", d, Math.tanh(d)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("asinh({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.sinh(a), Math.log(Math.sinh(a) + Math.sqrt(Math.sinh(a) * Math.sinh(a) + 1.0))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("asinh({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.sinh(b), Math.log(Math.sinh(b) + Math.sqrt(Math.sinh(b) * Math.sinh(b) + 1.0))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("asinh({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.sinh(c), Math.log(Math.sinh(c) + Math.sqrt(Math.sinh(c) * Math.sinh(c) + 1.0))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("asinh({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.sinh(d), Math.log(Math.sinh(d) + Math.sqrt(Math.sinh(d) * Math.sinh(d) + 1.0))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("acosh({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.cosh(a), Math.log(Math.cosh(a) + Math.sqrt(Math.cosh(a) * Math.cosh(a) - 1.0))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("acosh({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.cosh(b), Math.log(Math.cosh(b) + Math.sqrt(Math.cosh(b) * Math.cosh(b) - 1.0))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("acosh({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.cosh(c), Math.log(Math.cosh(c) + Math.sqrt(Math.cosh(c) * Math.cosh(c) - 1.0))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("acosh({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.cosh(d), Math.log(Math.cosh(d) + Math.sqrt(Math.cosh(d) * Math.cosh(d) - 1.0))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("atanh({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.tanh(a), 0.5 * Math.log((Math.tanh(a) + 1.0)/(Math.tanh(a) - 1.0))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("atanh({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.tanh(b), 0.5 * Math.log((Math.tanh(b) + 1.0)/(Math.tanh(b) - 1.0))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("atanh({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.tanh(c), 0.5 * Math.log((Math.tanh(c) + 1.0)/(Math.tanh(c) - 1.0))));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("atanh({0:f}) = {1:f}", Math.tanh(d), 0.5 * Math.log((Math.tanh(d) + 1.0)/(Math.tanh(d) - 1.0))));

// log, log10, exp, pow, sqrt
		System.out.println(Utils.format("log({0:f}) = {1:f}", a, Math.log(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("log({0:f}) = {1:f}", b, Math.log(b)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("log({0:f}) = {1:f}", -c, Math.log(-c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("log({0:f}) = {1:f}", -d, Math.log(-d)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("log({0:f}) = {1:f}", e, Math.log(e)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("log10({0:f}) = {1:f}", a, Math.log10(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("log10({0:f}) = {1:f}", b, Math.log10(b)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("log10({0:f}) = {1:f}", -c, Math.log10(-c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("log10({0:f}) = {1:f}", -d, Math.log10(-d)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("log10({0:f}) = {1:f}", e, Math.log10(e)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("exp({0:f}) = {1:f}", 0.5, Math.exp(0.5)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("exp({0:f}) = {1:f}", 1.0, Math.exp(1.0)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("exp({0:f}) = {1:f}", 2.0, Math.exp(2.0)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("pow({0:f}, {1:f}) = {2:f}", 10.0, 0.5, Math.pow(10.0, 0.5)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("pow({0:f}, {1:f}) = {2:f}", 10.0, 1.0, Math.pow(10.0, 1.0)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("pow({0:f}, {1:f}) = {2:f}", 10.0, 2.0, Math.pow(10.0, 2.0)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("sqrt({0:f}) = {1:f}", 0.5, Math.sqrt(0.5)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("sqrt({0:f}) = {1:f}", 2.0, Math.sqrt(2.0)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("sqrt({0:f}) = {1:f}", 10.0, Math.sqrt(10.0)));

// random numbers
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random() = {0:f}", Math.random()));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random() = {0:f}", Math.random()));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random() = {0:f}", Math.random()));

$ javac -Xlint Math1.java $ java -ea Math1 pi = 3.141593 e = 2.718282 abs(0.523599) = 0.523599 abs(-1.047198) = 1.047198 floor(0.523599) = 0.000000 floor(-1.047198) = -2.000000 ceil(0.523599) = 1.000000 ceil(-1.047198) = -1.000000 round(0.523599) = 1.000000 round(-1.047198) = -1.000000 trunc(0.523599) = 0.000000 trunc(-1.047198) = -1.000000 min(0.523599, -1.047198) = -1.047198 max(0.523599, -1.047198) = 0.523599 sin(0.523599) = 0.500000 sin(0.785398) = 0.707107 sin(-1.047198) = -0.866025 sin(-1.570796) = -1.000000 cos(0.523599) = 0.866025 cos(0.785398) = 0.707107 cos(-1.047198) = 0.500000 cos(-1.570796) = 0.000000 tan(0.523599) = 0.577350 tan(0.785398) = 1.000000 tan(-1.047198) = -1.732051 asin(0.500000) = 0.523599 asin(0.707107) = 0.785398 asin(-0.866025) = -1.047198 asin(-1.000000) = -1.570796 acos(0.866025) = 0.523599 acos(0.707107) = 0.785398 acos(0.500000) = 1.047198 acos(0.000000) = 1.570796 atan(0.577350) = 0.523599 atan(1.000000) = 0.785398 atan(-1.732051) = -1.047198 atan2(1.000000, 1.000000) = 0.785398 atan2(1.000000, 1.732051) = 0.523599 sinh(0.523599) = 0.547853 sinh(0.785398) = 0.868671 sinh(-1.047198) = -1.249367 sinh(-1.570796) = -2.301299 cosh(0.523599) = 1.140238 cosh(0.785398) = 1.324609 cosh(-1.047198) = 1.600287 cosh(-1.570796) = 2.509178 tanh(0.523599) = 0.480473 tanh(0.785398) = 0.655794 tanh(-1.047198) = -0.780714 tanh(-1.570796) = -0.917152 asinh(0.547853) = 0.523599 asinh(0.868671) = 0.785398 asinh(-1.249367) = -1.047198 asinh(-2.301299) = -1.570796 acosh(1.140238) = 0.523599 acosh(1.324609) = 0.785398 acosh(1.600287) = 1.047198 acosh(2.509178) = 1.570796 atanh(0.480473) = nan atanh(0.655794) = nan atanh(-0.780714) = nan atanh(-0.917152) = nan log(0.523599) = -0.647030 log(0.785398) = -0.241564 log(1.047198) = 0.046118 log(1.570796) = 0.451583 log(2.718282) = 1.000000 log10(0.523599) = -0.281001 log10(0.785398) = -0.104910 log10(1.047198) = 0.020029 log10(1.570796) = 0.196120 log10(2.718282) = 0.434294 exp(0.500000) = 1.648721 exp(1.000000) = 2.718282 exp(2.000000) = 7.389056 pow(10.000000, 0.500000) = 3.162278 pow(10.000000, 1.000000) = 10.000000 pow(10.000000, 2.000000) = 100.000000 sqrt(0.500000) = 0.707107 sqrt(2.000000) = 1.414214 sqrt(10.000000) = 3.162278 random() = 0.560174 random() = 0.895638 random() = 0.828598
 * This program demonstrates the math integer functions.
 * Copyright © 2020 Richard Lesh.  All rights reserved.

import org.pureprogrammer.Utils;

public class Math2 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		final int a = 5;
		final int b = 10;
		final int c = -2;

// abs, floor, ceil, round, trunc, min, max
		System.out.println(Utils.format("abs({0:d}) = {1:d}", a, Math.abs(a)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("abs({0:d}) = {1:d}", c, Math.abs(c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("min({0:d}, {1:d}) = {2:d}", a, b, Math.min(a, b)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("max({0:d}, {1:d}) = {2:d}", a, b, Math.max(a, b)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("min({0:d}, {1:d}) = {2:d}", b, c, Math.min(b, c)));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("max({0:d}, {1:d}) = {2:d}", b, c, Math.max(b, c)));

// random numbers
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random({0:d}) = {1:d}", a, (int)(a * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random({0:d}) = {1:d}", a, (int)(a * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random({0:d}) = {1:d}", a, (int)(a * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random({0:d}) = {1:d}", a, (int)(a * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random({0:d}) = {1:d}", a, (int)(a * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random({0:d}) = {1:d}", b, (int)(b * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random({0:d}) = {1:d}", b, (int)(b * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random({0:d}) = {1:d}", b, (int)(b * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random({0:d}) = {1:d}", b, (int)(b * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random({0:d}) = {1:d}", b, (int)(b * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random(2) = {0:d}", (int)(2 * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random(2) = {0:d}", (int)(2 * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random(2) = {0:d}", (int)(2 * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random(2) = {0:d}", (int)(2 * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random(2) = {0:d}", (int)(2 * Math.random())));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random() = {0:f}", Math.random()));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random() = {0:f}", Math.random()));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random() = {0:f}", Math.random()));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random() = {0:f}", Math.random()));
		System.out.println(Utils.format("random() = {0:f}", Math.random()));

$ javac -Xlint Math2.java $ java -ea Math2 abs(5) = 5 abs(-2) = 2 min(5, 10) = 5 max(5, 10) = 10 min(10, -2) = -2 max(10, -2) = 10 random(5) = 2 random(5) = 0 random(5) = 1 random(5) = 3 random(5) = 4 random(10) = 6 random(10) = 1 random(10) = 6 random(10) = 9 random(10) = 7 random(2) = 0 random(2) = 1 random(2) = 1 random(2) = 0 random(2) = 1 random() = 0.057886 random() = 0.555563 random() = 0.513039 random() = 0.894659 random() = 0.069807

Random Numbers

Explain how to generate uniform random numbers, int and fp.



More ★'s indicate higher difficulty level.
